Doctor Odyssey is an exciting new series from ABC that explores the life of a doctor aboard a luxury cruise ship. This drama centers around Max, portrayed by Joshua Jackson, who joins a tight-knit medical team as they tackle unique medical emergencies while navigating personal relationships amidst the vast ocean. Music from the show’s soundtrack.
The plot it’s about Max, the ship’s new doctor, facing a myriad of challenges. Each episode presents distinct medical crises that require quick thinking and teamwork, all while the characters deal with their own interpersonal dynamics. The setting allows for dramatic storytelling as the crew is often miles away from shore, heightening the stakes of their medical interventions and personal conflicts.
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The cast has Don Johnson and Phillipa Soo. Soo’s involvement hints at a strong female presence in the story, likely contributing to both the emotional and professional dimensions of the plot. Sean Teale and Gigi Zumbado also play significant roles.
Production of “Doctor Odyssey” is spearheaded by 20th Television in collaboration with Ryan Murphy Television, ensuring a high-quality production standard. Ryan Murphy, known for his work on acclaimed series like “Glee” and “American Horror Story,” co-writes and serves as an executive producer alongside Jon Robin Baitz and Joe Baken.
Doctor Odyssey Soundtrack, music by episodes
Doctor Odyssey: Episode 1 Songs – S01E01
- Cruisin’ – Smokey Robinson
- How Deep Is the Ocean – Andy Derrick Jazz Quartet
- This Girl – Kungs & Cookin’ On 3 Burners
- Despacito – Luis Fonsi & Daddy Yankee
- All Hands On Deck (feat. DeJ Loaf) – Tinashe
Doctor Odyssey: Episode 2 Songs – S01E02
Amanda Krieg Thomas composed the score for ABC “Doctor Odyssey“, who has previously worked on various television projects. Her expertise in creating atmospheric music will likely enhance the emotional resonance of the series, complementing its dramatic moments and character developments.