Season 2 of the ITV series Ridley premiered on September 15, 2024, continuing the story of retired Detective Inspector Alex Ridley, played by Adrian Dunbar. This season features a fresh array of complex cases that challenge Ridley and his former protégé, DI Carol Farman, portrayed by Bronagh Waugh. The show has garnered attention for its engaging plotlines and character development, drawing viewers back into the investigative world. Songs form the show’s soundtrack.
In this season, Ridley returns as a police consultant after a period of retirement marked by personal tragedy. His journey involves tackling new mysteries that range from a jewelry heist that escalates into murder to uncovering secrets tied to illegal raves. Each episode promises to blend atmospheric settings with intricate plots, showcasing Ridley’s keen instincts and experience as he navigates through the challenges presented by the criminal underworld.
ITV’s Soundtracks: Joan Music
The cast remains strong with familiar faces. Alongside Dunbar and Waugh, Terence Maynard returns as DCI Paul Goodwin, while George Bukhari plays DC Darren Lakhan. New characters and returning favorites interact within the framework of the investigations, adding depth and tension to the unfolding stories. The chemistry between Ridley and Farman is particularly highlighted as they tackle these new challenges together.
Production for Ridley is handled by West Road Pictures, with Jonathan Fisher and Paul Matthew Thompson serving as creators and executive producers. The show is filmed primarily in rural areas of northern England, including Lancashire and Yorkshire, which enhances its visual appeal and authenticity. The scenic backdrops contribute significantly to the series atmosphere, providing a stark contrast to the darker themes explored in the narratives.
Ridley Season 2 Soundtrack, music by episodes
Ridley Season 2: Episode 1 Songs – S02E01
Ridley Season 2: Episode 2 Songs – S02E02
- Can You Hear The Rain, Love? (Original by Richard Hawley) – Performed by Adrian Dunbar
Ridley Season 2: Episode 3 Songs – S02E03
- There’s a Storm Comin’ (Original by Richard Hawley) – Performed by Adrian Dunbar
- Will Ye Go, Lassie, Go? (Traditional) – Performed by Adrian Dunbar
Ridley Season 2: Episode 4 Songs – S02E04
Ridley Season 2: Episode 5 Songs – S02E05
- You Made Me Love You (I Didn’t Want to Do It) – Ridley Cast
Ridley Season 2: Episode 6 Songs – S02E06
- Try To Remember – (Original by The Brothers Four) – Performed by Adrian Dunbar
Ben Foster composes the score for ITV Ridley, adding an essential layer to the series emotional resonance. His work combines elements of jazz—a nod to Ridley’s character who co-owns a jazz club—with more traditional orchestral sounds, creating a unique auditory experience that complements the storytelling. This musical backdrop not only enhances suspense but also reflects the protagonist’s complex personality.