Citadel Diana, a new spy thriller series on Prime Video, is quickly gaining attention for its thrilling plot, talented cast, and stunning visuals. The show follows the story of Diana, a former Citadel agent who is forced to come out of hiding when a mysterious organization known as Manticore threatens to destroy the world. Music from the episodes here.
Diana, played by the charismatic Priyanka Chopra Jonas, is a highly skilled and resourceful agent who is not afraid to take on any challenge. She is joined by a team of fellow Citadel agents, including Stanley Tucci, who plays the enigmatic Bernard Ortley, and Richard Madden, who plays the charismatic Mason Kane. Together, they must race against time to stop Manticore’s sinister plans.
Citadel Diana is produced by Amazon Studios and Russo Brothers Capital, with the Russo Brothers serving as executive producers. The show is directed by Joe Russo, who is best known for his work on the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The series score is composed by the talented Harry Gregson-Williams, who has previously worked on films such as The Lion King and The Chronicles of Narnia.
Citadel Diana Soundtrack, music by episodes
Citadel Diana Episode 1 Songs – S01E01
- Chandelier – Sia
Citadel Diana Episode 2 Songs – S01E02
- Immensità – Andrea Laszlo De Simone
Citadel Diana Episode 3 Songs – S01E03
Citadel Diana is available to stream exclusively on Prime Video. The show has received positive reviews from critics, who have praised its action-packed sequences, complex characters, and stunning visuals.