“The Way Home,” a fantasy drama series on Hallmark Channel, has returned for its third season, premiering on January 3, 2025. Created by Heather Conkie, Alexandra Clarke, and Marly Reed, the show follows the Landry family across different timelines, exploring themes of love, loss, and the complexities of familial relationships. The series is known for its engaging plot that intertwines time travel with heartfelt moments.
Plot Summary
In Season 3, the story picks up from a dramatic cliffhanger where Kat Landry (played by Chyler Leigh) and her brother Jacob (Spencer MacPherson) are about to reveal a significant family secret to their mother, Del (Andie MacDowell). As they navigate the challenges of their intertwined pasts and presents, new characters are introduced, adding depth to the ongoing saga. The season promises to explore how these revelations affect their relationships and the dynamics within the Landry family.
Cast and Production Team
The main cast includes:
- Andie MacDowell as Del Landry
- Chyler Leigh as Kat Landry
- Sadie Laflamme-Snow as Alice Dhawan
- Evan Williams as Elliot Augustine
- Spencer MacPherson as Jacob Landry
New additions this season feature Julia Tomasone as a teenage Del and Jordan Doww as a teenage Colton. The production team consists of executive producers Marly Reed, Arnie Zipursky, Lauren MacKinlay, and others who have contributed to shaping the series.
You can catch “The Way Home” Season 3 on Hallmark Channel. Episodes air weekly on Fridays at 9 PM ET. For those who prefer streaming, episodes are available on Hallmark+ the day after they air.
Score Composer
The music for “The Way Home” is composed by Keith Power, whose compositions enhance the emotional resonance of the series. His work has been recognized for effectively complementing the show’s themes and character arcs.
What songs play in the series The Way Home Season 3 The Soundtrack
Each episode features a unique selection of songs that contribute to the storytelling. Below is a list of songs featured in each episode of Season 3:
Episode 1: “You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet”
- Song Title: Too Late For Tears – Andrea Litkei & Ervin Litkei
- Song Title: Hooked On a Feeling – Blue Swede
- Song Title: We are trying to find out the name of the song with the lyrics: I know a path to the past Is it a secret worth knowing It’s a world where I’ve made my mistakes I was brought down below sunken and cold love you, I love you Just like “back to you
Episode 2: “The Way We Were”
- Song Title:
Episode 3: “Live and Let Die”
- Song Title:
Episode 4: “I’ll Have to Say I Love You in a Song”
- Song Title:
Episode 5: “Reeling in the Years”
- Song Title:
Episode 6: “Ain’t No Sunshine”
- Song Title:
Episode 7: “Tell Me Something Good”
- Song Title:
Episode 8: “Smoke on the Water”
- Song Title:
As viewers tune into this season, they can expect not only compelling storytelling but also an evocative soundtrack that enhances each episode’s emotional impact. With its engaging plotlines and rich character development, Season 3 of “The Way Home” promises to be another memorable chapter in this beloved series.