“The Rookie” is a popular police procedural drama that follows John Nolan, portrayed by Nathan Fillion, who becomes the oldest rookie in the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) at the age of 45. The series, inspired by true events, showcases Nolan’s journey as he navigates the challenges of his new career while dealing with personal and professional obstacles. Season 7 premiered on January 7, 2025, continuing to explore Nolan’s adventures alongside familiar and new characters.
Plot Highlights of Season 7
In this season, Nolan is recovering from a gunshot wound while grappling with the realities of aging and his responsibilities as a mentor to new recruits. The season introduces two new characters: Miles Penn, played by Deric Augustine, and Seth Ridley, portrayed by Patrick Keleher. The show will also delve into Nolan’s relationship with Bailey Nune as they consider adopting a child after fostering a young girl.
The main cast for Season 7 includes:
- Nathan Fillion as John Nolan
- Mekia Cox as Nyla Harper
- Alyssa Diaz as Angela Lopez
- Richard T. Jones as Sergeant Wade Grey
- Melissa O’Neil as Lucy Chen
- Eric Winter as Tim Bradford
- Jenna Dewan as Bailey Nune
- Shawn Ashmore as Wesley Evers
- Lisseth Chavez as Celina Juarez
Notably, Tru Valentino, who played Officer Aaron Thorsen, will not return for this season.
Season 7 of “The Rookie” airs on ABC every Tuesday at 10 PM ET. For those who prefer streaming, episodes will be available on Hulu the day after they air, allowing fans to catch up on the latest developments in Nolan’s story.
The music for “The Rookie” is composed by Eric V. Hachikian, who has been instrumental in creating the show’s distinctive sound. His compositions enhance the emotional depth of the series while complementing its fast-paced action and drama.
Songs Played in the Series The Rookie Season 7 Soundtrack
Here’s a breakdown of songs featured in each episode of Season 7:
Episode 1: “The Shot”
- Insomnia – The Moss
- Summer Still Come – The Big Moon
Episode 2: “New Beginnings”
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Episode 3: “Under Pressure”
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Episode 4: “Crossroads”
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Episode 5: “Family Matters”
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Episode 6: “The Reckoning”
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Episode 7: “In the Line of Duty”
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This season promises to deliver not only thrilling storylines but also an engaging soundtrack that resonates with viewers. As fans tune in to watch John Nolan tackle new challenges, they can also enjoy the music that accompanies his journey through each episode.