On Call is an American procedural drama series that premiered on January 9, 2025, on Prime Video. Created by Tim Walsh and Elliot Wolf, the show follows veteran training officer Traci Harmon and her rookie partner Alex Diaz as they navigate the challenges of policing in Long Beach, California. The series explores the complexities of their job through various emergency calls and personal struggles, particularly following the loss of a fellow officer.
The storyline centers around Traci Harmon, played by Troian Bellisario, who mentors rookie officer Alex Diaz, portrayed by Brandon Larracuente. Together, they respond to emergency situations while dealing with the emotional toll that comes with their profession. The show aims to provide a realistic portrayal of police work, highlighting both the heroic and challenging aspects of the job.
- Troian Bellisario as Officer Traci Harmon
- Brandon Larracuente as Officer Alex Diaz
- Eriq LaSalle as Sergeant Lasman
- Lori Loughlin as Lieutenant Bishop
- Rich Ting as Sergeant Koyama
The cast also includes other notable actors such as Mac Brandt and Robert Bailey Jr., contributing to a diverse representation of characters within the police department.
“On Call” is produced by Dick Wolf, known for his successful crime drama franchises. The series marks his first venture into a half-hour format for streaming platforms. The production companies involved include Wolf Entertainment and Universal Television, with Eriq LaSalle not only acting but also directing several episodes. The show has been anticipated since its announcement in April 2023 and has generated considerable excitement among fans of police dramas.
Viewers can catch “On Call” exclusively on Prime Video. The series consists of eight episodes, each running approximately 24 minutes long. All episodes were released simultaneously, allowing audiences to binge-watch the entire season.
The musical score for “On Call” is composed by a talented team that enhances the emotional depth and tension throughout the series. While specific details about individual songs featured in each episode are yet to be fully disclosed, fans can expect a mix of original compositions tailored to fit the show’s intense atmosphere.
All the Songs Played in the Series On Call Soundtrack
As “On Call” progresses, each episode will feature a unique soundtrack that complements its themes and scenes. Here’s an overview of the episodes along with their respective soundtracks:
Episode 1: “Pilot”
- Song Title: [To be added]
Episode 2: “Laws of the Universe”
- Song Title: [To be added]
Episode 3: “South of Heaven”
- Song Title: [To be added]
Episode 4: “Unsung”
- Song Title: [To be added]
Episode 5: “Not Your Savior”
- Song Title: [To be added]
Episode 6: “L.A. Woman”
- Song Title: [To be added]
Episode 7: “War Machine”
- Song Title: [To be added]
Episode 8: “How the West Was Won”
- Song Title: [To be added]
As new episodes air and more information becomes available, this list will be updated to include all songs featured in each episode.
“On Call” promises to deliver an engaging look at police work through its compelling characters and storylines. With its release on Prime Video, viewers have much to look forward to in terms of both plot and music that enhances their viewing experience.