Dexter: Original Sin, a Showtime series, takes the iconic character of Dexter Morgan in a chilling new direction. This reboot, set in Iron Lake, New York, introduces a younger Dexter struggling with his dark passenger while navigating the complexities of small-town life.

The series follows Jim Lindsay, a high school teacher and seemingly upstanding citizen, who harbors a deep, violent secret. As a teenager, Jim witnessed a horrific tragedy that shaped his life and unleashed the darkness within him. Now, years later, he grapples with his inner demons while trying to maintain a facade of normalcy.

The cast is led by Clyde Phillips, who serves as showrunner and executive producer. Phillips previously worked on the original Dexter series, bringing his expertise and understanding of the character to this new iteration.

Joining Phillips as executive producers are Scott Buck, Chris McCarthy, Keith Cox, Michael Thorn, and John Goldwyn. This experienced team ensures a high level of production quality and a compelling storyline.

The series has a talented cast, including Michael C. Hall, who reprises his role as Dexter Morgan, albeit in a different timeline. Jack Alcott portrays the younger Dexter, showcasing the character’s early struggles with his dark passenger.

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Other notable cast members include Julia Jones, Alano Miller, Johnny Sequoyah, and Clancy Brown. Each actor brings a unique depth and intensity to their roles, creating a chilling and believable portrayal of the characters and their complex relationships.

Dexter: Original Sin is available for streaming on Showtime.

Dexter Original Sin Soundtrack: Every Song in Episode 1 “And in the beginning…”

Dexter Original Sin Soundtrack: Every Song in Episode 1 “And in the beginning…”
Dexter Original Sin Soundtrack Showtime Songs 2
  • Freedom! ’90 – George Michael
  • Ice Ice Baby – Vanilla Ice
  • Put the Squeeze On ‘Em – Tha Jaz
  • O.P.P. – Naughty By Nature
  • Take Me Home, Country Roads – John Denver
  • Nothin’ But A Good Time – Poison

Dexter Original Sin Soundtrack: Every Song in Episode 2 “Kid in a Candy Store”

The score for the series is composed by Tyler Bates, known for his work on films like Guardians of the Galaxy and John Wick. Bates’s haunting and atmospheric music perfectly complements the show’s dark and suspenseful tone, adding another layer of intensity to the viewing experience.

Dexter: Original Sin offers a fresh take on the iconic character, exploring his origins and the enduring impact of trauma on his psyche. This dark and gripping series will keep viewers on the edge of their seats as they witness the evolution of Dexter Morgan’s darkness.

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