200% Wolf, the animated 2024 Australian film, is a sequel to the 2020 movie 100% Wolf. Produced by Flying Bark Productions, the film continues the story of Freddy Lupin, a young werewolf who transforms into a poodle during the full moon. This sequel expands on Freddy’s journey, exploring themes of self-acceptance and respect.

In 200% Wolf, Freddy longs for the respect of his werewolf pack. His determination leads him to make a wish to the Moon Spirits, hoping to transform into a more traditional wolf. However, his wish inadvertently brings a mischievous moon sprite named Moopoo to Earth. The film follows Freddy as he navigates the challenges of restoring cosmic order while learning that true respect comes from character, not appearance.

The cast (voices): Ilai Swindells as Freddy Lupin Samara Weaving as Batty Akmal Saleh as Hamish Peter McAllum as Flasheart Lupin, Hotspur Lupin Sarah Harper as Twitchy Elizabeth Nabben as Moopoo Jennifer Saunders as Max Sarah Georgina as Mother Moonspirit Michael Bourchier as Lord Hightail Heather Mitchell as Lady Hightail Alexs Stadermann as Bruno, Gargar Zach Granger as Matthew Trainor.

200% Wolf Soundtrack
200% Wolf Soundtrack

200% Wolf (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)

  • Get Up 3:01
  • We’re Looking Up 2:11
  • 200% Wolf 1:49
  • Can You Feel It? 0:23
  • Shabadoopoo 1:36
  • The True Hero Shuffle 0:59
  • We’ll Take It from Here 2:18
  • News Theme 0:46
  • Respect Has to Be Earned 1:10
  • Sit Up and Take Notice 3:39
  • I’m a Wolf 1:40
  • Are You Copying Me? 0:32
  • Big Bad Wolf 1:59
  • Freddy’s Entrance 0:45
  • Max the Disgraced 2:54
  • Found Him! 1:13
  • You Need Some Muscle 1:36
  • Rest of My Life 0:27
  • The Great Kennel 1:23
  • Let’s Go Team 0:46
  • Saxophone Vacation 0:45
  • A Little Bit More Promising 1:06
  • Moopoo’s Dreaming 2:32
  • Bat! 0:49
  • Max the Dis? 1:49
  • Bring on the Death 1:33
  • The Fredinator 2:00
  • Remember the Plan 1:23
  • Show Me the Magic 1:57
  • Party Trance 0:18
  • Flight of the Gar-Gar 0:30
  • Nothing Like You’ve Ever Seen Before 1:23
  • Moopoo Hungry 3:22
  • Incant The Runes 3:50
  • You’ll Pay for That 2:40
  • Gar-Gar Ascendant 1:22
  • Mega Moopoo 2:11
  • He’s Too Weak 2:37
  • 100% Wolf Restored 1:26

200% Wolf Soundtrack – Additional Music

  • The Power – Snap!
  • We’re Looking Up – 100% Wolf
  • Nothing Like You’ve Ever Seen Before – 100% Wolf
  • Now or Never – Andrew Craig & Tyler van den Berg

External Links: IMDb
Movie Production Companies: Flying Bark Productions

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